How to Add Distributor Credentials to Receive POs via PromoStandards Order API

To take full advantage of DC’s PromoStandards PO Support, each Distributor must have credentials stored in OneSource for each Supplier’s PO endpoint. Without credentials, DistributorCentral is unable to deliver POs on behalf of the Distributor by-way-of PromoStandards Purchase Order endpoints. Here's how to add credentials for a Distributor that submitted an order:

  1. In the Purchase Order email notification you received from DistributorCentral, click Add Credentials Now

  2. Next you'll be taken to the OneSource Create Credentials page for the Distributor of the order (you will have to log in if you aren't already)28.png

  3. Enter in the Distributor's unique API Key and Password

  4. Click Save Credentials

Thats it! All future orders from this Distributor will be sent via your PromoStandards Order API.

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