How to Remove Imprint Areas from a Product

  • Updated

If your product is sold as "Blank" only it must not have imprint areas to become a PromoStandards product in OneSource.

Follow these steps to remove imprint areas from a product:

  1. In your DistributorCentral account, click the Products menu

  2. Click Add/Edit Products in the submenu

  3. On the Products page, find the product that you are adding an Imprint area too and click Edit to the rightthree.png

  4. In the product editor, click Optionsfour.png

  5. In the Options section find section 1 labeled "Choose from Imprint areas assigned to this product ("if needed)" five.png

  6. Click "Remove" to the right of the imprint areas that need to be removedsix.png

  7. Click the Save button at the bottom to save your changes

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