Insert an Image in a Written Content block

  1. Click the Image button (3rd row, 4th icon).
  2. Click the Browse Images button.
  3. In the Image Library window, click on your image you want to use. If your image is not already in the Image Library, click on Upload Images at the top of the window to upload a new image.
  4. Choose the alignment (usually Center) to align the image within your block.
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. Your image should now be in your block.
    1. If you need to adjust the size:
      1. Go to the very bottom right corner of the image
      2. Click & drag on the black square icon when your cursor changes to a downward pointing arrow.
        You can also specify the width/height by clicking on the Source button and editing the height="XX" or width="XX" properties of the img tag
  7. Click the Done button.

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