Upload Images

Below you will learn how to add and manage images in your website's image library.

  1. Launch the website editor by going to the Websites menu on the left
  2. Click on Hosting Manager in the drop down menu that appears
  3. Click Manage to the right of your website
  4. Click the Edit button to the far right to launch the website editor
  5. To the left, at the top of the dark gray panel that goes down the side of the screen, click the Library tab
  6. Under Library, click Images
  7. In the Image Library box that appears, you will see images you have uploaded to your website. To add a new image, click the Upload Images link to the top right.
  8. A new box will pop in labeled Upload Images, in the box click the Select Files button
  9. Find the image within in your computer files and open it
  10. The image will start loading automatically, when the upload is complete, click Done

You're image will now appear within your image library and you can add it to the following block types: 

  • Picture
  • Written Content

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