Product Data Update Method - FTP (Upload)

  • Updated
Add or update your DC products automatically via FTP Upload
To get started, send DistributorCentral's product data team your custom product data spreadsheet. We'll work with you to build an import process tailored to your custom data template in future updates.

Once the custom process is created by DC's product team, your product data updates get automatically processed when uploaded via SFTP.

FTP Details

Protocol: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol
Logon Type: Normal (or leave empty)
Port: 22
Username is your API Key
Password is your API Password 
How to create an API Key & Password >>

File Specifications for "custom" folder: 

Required File Format:   dependent on the template submitted for automation 
Required File Name Format:   product_{anyname}.xlsx   or product_{anyname}.csv

FTP Folder Name Description
custom Product Data files put in the custom folder are automatically processed and imported into DistributorCentral.
* Only works if you've established a process with DC's product team
Other folders...
import Product Inventory, Order Status, or Order Shipment Notification files put in the import folder are automatically processed and imported into OneSource
errors The error folder holds files that could not be processed due to an error during the import
archive Successfully processed files are placed in the archive folder
manual Files placed here are manually processed. Please don't use this folder unless directed


Contact with questions about other spreadsheet formats that may be accepted.

Need help using our FTP?
View our FTP Upload Help Guide >>


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