How to Export Your Products' OneSource Validation Report

  • Updated

Use the Product Stats page to export a comprehensive list of validation errors and warnings identified with OneSource's data validation.

  1. Log in to your OneSource dashboard
  2. Click Products in the top menu

  3. Click Product Stats in the "Products" dropdown menu

  4. Your Product Stats page will load a comprehensive look your PromoStandards product data health with special emphasis areas the need improvement

  5. Scroll to the bottom of this page to view Error Details (a table of specific validation errors for your products)

  6. In the Errors Details table, change the "Showing errors from" field to the last "FULL..." import

  7. Next, click Export in the top right of the table

  8. Choose the file format you prefer to download the report in.
    (You can choose from CSV, Excel, or Print)

  9. The file will automatically download and will show both validation errors & validation warnings.
    • Validation errors prevent your products from making it in to DistributorCentral search & APIs
    • Validation warnings highlight areas you may want to consider improving, but don't prevent your product form making it in to DistributorCentral search & APIs

  10. The error message found in column H provides specific details of the error for the service and function noted in columns C and D.
    Please note, each row may have multiple error messages.


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