Inventory CSV Field Description

  • Updated
Spreadsheet Header Description Example Required?
productId The product id 123 yes
partId The part id 123456 yes
replenishmentLeadTime Time to replenish buy to order or made to order 3  
attributeSelection A string describing the attribute of the product other than size and color    
fobId The Id of the FOB Point 1 yes
quantityValue The quantity value (no commas) 10000 yes
quantityUom The unit of measure
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EA yes
futureAvailability1_quantityValue Future net available inventory quantity for the part/inventory location combination indicating goods on order or future quantity at manufactured goods. 250  
futureAvailability1_availableOn A date timestamp in UTC specifying the valid timestamp depicting when the inventory will be available for allocation to sales orders. 05/01/2022  
futureAvailability2_quantityValue Future net available inventory quantity for the part/inventory location combination indicating goods on order or future quantity at manufactured goods. 250  
futureAvailability2_availableOn A date timestamp in UTC specifying the valid timestamp depicting when the inventory will be available for allocation to sales orders. 05/01/2022  
buyToOrder Indicates that the supplier purchases this product to order. "TRUE" or "FALSE" FALSE
manufacturedItem Indicates that the supplier produces this part according to demand. "TRUE" or "FALSE" TRUE

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