Where to Add Meta Tags

  • Updated
  1. In your website editor, click the Settings button to the top left
  2. Under Settings, there is a section for Global settings (settings applied to every page throughout your website) and a section for Current Page settings (settings applied only to the page you currently are editing).
    • Click the Edit Meta Tags option under Global to add meta tags for your whole website 
    • Click Edit Meta Tags option under Current Page to apply page specific meta tagsadv_8_1.png

Meta Tag Tips: 

Your meta data MUST be wrapped in the correct HTML tag to work appropriately. Here are examples of common meta tags used: 

 <meta name="description" content="Your description goes here">
 <meta name="keywords" content="keywords, separated, by, commas, go, here">
  • What is a Meta Keywords Attribute? This is where you add keywords that are relevant to the website or web page 
  • What is a Meta Description Attribute?  This is a brief description of the website or web page.
  • What are Title Tags? These are titles of the website or pages (This is controlled by your website's name or page's name, entering a title tag will not override the page name or website name.)

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