How to Setup a SEO Redirect

The DistributorCentral SEO redirect will prevent duplicate content from being indexed when using multiple domains for one website. It allows you to add a domain and redirect it to another domain so that when your user finally gets to the website, they will see the domain you redirected them too instead of the domain they entered in the address bar. Before setting up a redirect, there must be at least one domain already linked to your website. Here is how you can setup this up:

  1. While logged into your DistributorCentral account, click on the Websites menu on the left-hand side
  2. In the sub menu that appears, click on Hosting Manager 
  3. When the “Websites” manager loads, click on the Domains section at the top
  4. In the Domain manager, locate the domain that you will be linking to a website and click Link Website to the right
  5. In the “Link Website to Domain” pop-up screen, first enter the host name (right before the domain) in the Host Name field*
  6. Select a website that you want to link this domain to, in the Website drop down
  7. You will see the SEO redirect section below, select the domain that you want the customer to be redirected to
  8. Click Add to complete the setup

The “Host Name” can be “”, “”, “”, or whatever is needed for your situation.


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