"Pricing" - Product Editor

Pricing is required to make your product display in the database & available for ordering in DistributorCentral. Changes or additions to product pricing can be made in the Product Editor, under the "Pricing" tab (shown below). You can view the following in the "Pricing" tab: 

  • Current, Expired, and Future pricing of a product
  • Quantity Prices & Setup Prices
  • Pricing per Price Tier
  • Pricing per Product Version

Each of the above pricing displays will give you a pricing table that includes editable columns: 

  • Quantity
  • Net Price
  • Margin
  • Retail Price
  • Unit/Measure
  • Start & End Dates
  • Display to Customers.


  1. To get started, you can enter a Quantity in the first cell under the "Quantity" field. 
  2. Then, move to the right in the same row to add a Margin code, and a Retail Price for that quantity break. (DistributorCentral automatically figures the Net cost based on the margin and retail entered. Learn more this under Pricing Calculations)
  3. Continue moving to the right in the same row to select 
    1. "Unit/Measure"
    2. "Start Date" (if needed otherwise leave blank)
    3. "End Date" (if needed otherwise leave blank)
  4. Finally, decide whether that row of pricing will display to the customer. In most cases, this should be marked to show. 


Quantity Pricing is the Per piece price for the product. As the quantity gets larger, the pricing will typically get smaller. 

Setup Pricing is a One Time charge for the order

Net Price is the price that you sell to the distributor. It will, by default, be automatically calculated based off of retail and margin. 

Margin is the percent off of retail offered to the distributor and is required.

Retail Price is the suggested selling price for the distributor to sell to their customers. 

Units/Measure - The default measure or unit is "each". Ex:) $1.50 each. A different measure like "per box", or "per roll" can be selected though. 

Start Date / End Dates are optional fields. If there is no date to specify leave these blank. If you know that the product pricing will change next month, you can apply an End Date for next month and the current product pricing will expire. (This is where any "Future Pricing" is handy. Enter in new pricing to start after the old pricing ends, and you will not have to lift a finger when the change happens next month!)

Pricing Tiers allow you to apply special pricing to specific distributors. Choose a price tier to load that tiers pricing information. 

Product Version Pricing is defaulted to the "regular" version. You can enter in other versions into your account and update pricing for each version.

Pricing Calculations -  When entering your pricing for any of the available pricing displays, you can have DistributorCentral automatically calculate one of the pricing columns like Net or Retail, or turn that off so you can enter in your own pricing for each. 

  • Calculate pricing based... 
    • Off of the Retail and Margin Code entered (Calculate Net) - enter in the retail and margin only
    • Off of the Net and Margin Code entered (Calculate Retail) - enter in the net and margin only
    • Turn off pricing calculations - this will let you enter the net, retail, and margin. 

These calculation options are found to the top left of the pricing table, above the "DELETE" & "QUANTITY" fields.

Show the product with no pricing is found to the right of the pricing calculations drop-down. Marking this box will eliminate the pricing table from the product page of websites, and instead, show a " Call for Pricing" flag. The "Show product with no pricing" check box will have to be un-checked, and the "Display to Customer" boxes need to be marked to make this product display and order-able.  NOTE: A product with Call for Pricing means that the product cannot be ordered through the system, 

Delete Pricing - Pricing can be removed by marking each box under the "DELETE" column and clicking the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. 

Green Arrows - You can use the green down arrows to fill the content in the first cell down to other cells in that column. For example, if you have a margin code of C, you can select "C" in the top Margin cell, and click the down arrow to auto-fill "C" in the remaining active cells. 

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