"Packaging Lines," along with "Shipping Containers," are used to setup freight estimates for your products.
The "Packaging line" in the Product editor is where you can assign a Packaging Line to a product. But first you will need to specify packaging details on this page.
Each Packaging Line can have one or multiple levels of shipping containers assigned to it. This is helpful, for example, when shipping multiple boxes of the same product to one location. The Packaging Line can be setup to fit all the smaller boxes into one big box. Doing this will keep the order together, and keep the smaller boxes better protected.
To Add a New Packaging Line
- Click the Add New Packaging Line button
- Assign a Packaging Line Description
- Choose the Primary Container (from the Shipping Containers list)
- Enter in any Special Instructions
- Click Save
- After saving your line, you will see an Add Level button appear to the top right. Click this to add multiple levels of shipping containers to this line
To Edit a Packaging Line
- Click Edit to the right of any Packaging Line to change the...
- Description
- Containers
- Special Instructions