To add or edit your product images using the new product image uploader, simply edit your product as normal, by opening your product list. Then click Edit to the right of the product you are adding an image to.
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- From the product editor click on the Images link, to open up the image uploader
- In the Images section, you can add and remove Main & Additional images
- To add an image:
- Click the + Select File button
- Find the image saved on you computer
- Then click Open to start the download (the system will automatically load the image to the product)
- To remove an image:
- Click on the red "X" button in the top right corner of your file to remove it from the product
- Click on the red "X" button in the top right corner of your file to remove it from the product
- To add an image:
- Below the Image boxes, you can also add "Marketing Images" & "Artwork Templates" for your customers to use.
Product image specifications
- File types accepted include
- JPG’s
- GIF’s
- PNG’s
- File Size Requirements (there are no maximum file sizes)
- Main & Additional images must be AT LEAST 750px on the longest side
- Marketing Images must be AT LEAST 500px on the longest side
- Templates must be AT LEAST 500px on the longest side